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2017年03月23日 00:00  点击:[]


Report on the Work of the Government


Delivered at the Fifth Session of the 12th NationalPeople’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on March 5, 2017

国务院总理 李克强

Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council


Esteemed Deputies,


On behalf of the State Council, I will nowreport to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation andapproval. I also wish to have comments on my report from the members of theNational Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC).


Let me begin with a review of our work in2016.


In the past year, China’s development hasfaced grave challenges posed by a great many problems and interwoven risks anddangers both at home and abroad. However, under the strong leadership of theCentral Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping atits core, we the Chinese people have risen to the challenge and worked hard topress ahead, driving forward sustained, healthy economic and socialdevelopment.

At the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18thParty Central Committee, the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping wasformally affirmed, which reflects the fundamental interests of the Party andthe Chinese people, and is of crucial and far-reaching significance forensuring the flourishing and long-term stability of the Party and the country.All regions and all government departments have steadily strengthened theirconsciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-pictureterms, uphold the leadership core, and keep in alignment. Pushing ahead withall-around efforts, we have achieved major progress in finishing building amoderately prosperous society in all respects, made important strides indeepening reform, continued to exercise law-based governance, and made furtherprogress in practicing strict Party self-governance; and we have accomplishedthe year’s main tasks and targets for economic and social development, and gotthe 13th Five-Year Plan off to a great start.


The economy has registered a slower butstable performance with good momentum for growth.

GDP reached 74.4 trillion yuan,representing 6.7-percent growth, and seeing China outpace most other economies.China contributed more than 30 percent of global growth. The CPI rose by 2percent. With an 8.5-percent increase in profits, industrial enterprisesreversed the previous year’s negative growth of 2.3 percent. Energy consumptionper unit of GDP fell by 5 percent. Economic performance improved markedly inquality and returns.


Employment growth exceeded projections.

A total of 13.14 million new urban jobswere added over the course of the year. The number of college graduates findingemployment or starting businesses reached another record high. The registeredurban unemployment rate stood at 4.02 percent at year-end 2016, the lowestlevel in years. For China, a large developing country with a population of over1.3 billion, attaining this level of employment is no easy task.


Continued advances were made in reform andopening up.

Breakthroughs were made in reforms in majorsectors and key links, and initial success was achieved in supply-sidestructural reform. New measures were introduced for opening China up, rapidprogress was made in pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative, and a number ofmajor projects and industrial-capacity cooperation projects with othercountries were launched.


Economic structural adjustment was steppedup.

Consumption was the main driver of economicgrowth. The value created by the service sector rose to 51.6 percent of GDP.High-tech industries and equipment manufacturing grew rapidly. In agriculture,production was stable and structural adjustments were made, and we hadcontinued good grain harvests.


New drivers of growth gained strength.

Further progress was made in pursuing theinnovation-driven development strategy, and a number of world-leadingachievements were made in science and technology. Emerging industries werethriving, and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industriesaccelerated. People were busy launching businesses or making innovations, witha 24.5-percent year-on-year increase in the number of new businessesregistered-an average of 15,000 new businesses daily.

With self-employed traders and other marketentities included we had an average of 45,000 new market entities launched perday. New growth drivers are opening new prospects for China’s development.


Infrastructure became ever-better able tosustain development.

Over 1,900 kilometers of new high-speedrail lines came into service, and more than 6,700 kilometers of expressways and290,000 kilometers of rural roads were built or upgraded. Construction pickedup pace on urban rail transit facilities and underground utility tunnels.Construction began on 21 major water conservancy projects. The number of 4Gmobile communications subscribers grew by 340 million and over 5.5 millionkilometers of optical fiber cables were added.


Living standards were improved.

Personal per capita disposable incomeincreased by 6.3 percent in real terms. The number of people living in povertyin rural areas was reduced by 12.4 million, including more than 2.4 millionpeople relocated from inhospitable areas. More than 6 million homes in rundownurban areas and over 3.8 million dilapidated rural houses were renovated. Intourism, domestic trips showed rapid growth, and overseas trips exceeded 120million. People in both urban and rural areas saw arise in living standards.


China successfully hosted the G20 2016Hangzhou Summit, and helped to deliver a number of important pioneering,leading, and institutional outcomes, thus doing its part for global economicgovernance.


2016 was an unusual year in our country’sdevelopment. China was confronted with an external environment in which theworld saw the lowest economic and trade growth in seven years, growingvolatility in global financial markets, and sudden and frequent regional andglobal challenges. Domestically, China faced multiple difficulties: majorstructural problems, prominent risks and dangers, and mounting downwardpressure on the economy. China found itself in a complex environment as reformentered a critical stage, profound changes took place affecting interests, andfactors impacting social stability grew.

Given all these factors, it was not easyfor us to maintain stable economic performance. And yet we succeeded, and evenmanaged to make progress on many fronts. Once again, this shows that we theChinese people have the courage, ingenuity, and ability to overcome anydifficulty or hardship. It also shows that the Chinese economy possessespotential, resilience, and strengths, so we can be sure there is even betterdevelopment ahead for China.


I will now move on to discuss our main worklast year:


First, we continued to develop new and moreeffective ways of carrying out regulation at the macro level, thus keeping theeconomy performing within an appropriate range.

Last year, we faced difficult choices inconducting macro-level regulation, but we stood firm in not adopting strongstimulus policies that would have had an economy-wide impact, and strivedinstead to maintain steady growth, adjust the structure, and guard againstrisks through reform and innovation. We strengthened targeted and well-timedregulation on the basis of range-based regulation.

More proactive fiscal policy was pursued,and the increase in the fiscal deficit was used mainly to cover tax and feecuts. The trial replacement of business tax with value added tax (VAT) wasextended to cover all sectors, slashing the tax burden of businesses for theyear by over 570 billion yuan and reducing tax burdens in every sector. Atransitional plan for sharing VAT revenue between the central and localgovernments was formulated and implemented to ensure financial resources oflocal governments remained unchanged. More local government bonds were issuedto replace outstanding debts, reducing interest payments by roughly 400 billionyuan.

A prudent monetary policy was pursued in aflexible and appropriate manner. The M2 money supply increased by 11.3 percent,below our projected target of around 13 percent. We used a range of monetarypolicy tools to support the development of the real economy.

Measures were taken to upgrade consumption.We unveiled policies to encourage private investment, and saw investment beginto stabilize. We exercised category-based regulation over the real estatemarket. We strengthened efforts to manage financial risks. The RMB exchangerate regime continued to improve, and the exchange rate remained generallystable at an adaptive and equilibrium level. With these measures, we havesafeguarded China’s economic and financial security.


Second, we focused on five priority tasks –cutting overcapacity, reducing excess inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs,and strengthening areas of weakness – thereby improving the composition ofsupply.

Particular priority was given to cuttingovercapacity in the steel and coal sectors. Over the year, steel productioncapacity was cut by more than 65 million metric tons and coal by over 290million metric tons, going beyond annual targets. Effective assistance wasprovided to laid-off employees.

We supported migrant workers in buyingurban homes; and we increased the proportion of people affected by rebuildingin rundown urban areas receiving monetary compensation, making good progress inreducing real estate inventory.

Business acquisitions and reorganizationswere encouraged, direct financing was promoted, and market- and law-baseddebt-to-equity swaps were carried out, lowering the debt-to-asset ratio ofindustrial enterprises.

To help enterprises lower operating costs,we introduced measures to cut taxes and fees, lower the share paid byenterprises for social security contributions,1 and cut the price ofelectricity.

We boosted efforts to strengthen areas ofweakness and undertook major initiatives that both help to meet urgent needstoday and promise long-term benefits.


Third, we worked hard to deepen reform and openingup, further strengthening the vitality of development.

Reform was deepened across the board, and agood number of landmark and pillar reform initiatives were undertaken.

To balance the government-marketrelationship – the pivotal issue in economic structural reform – we continuedreforms to streamline administration, delegate powers, and improve regulationand services. My administration’s goal of cutting the number of items requiringgovernment review by a third had been achieved ahead of schedule. On thatbasis, last year we cancelled the requirement on a further 165 items for reviewby State Council departments and authorized local governments. We alsooverhauled and standardized 192 items of intermediary services for governmentreview as well as 220 items of approvals and accreditations for professionalqualifications. We deepened institutional reforms in the business sector. Weintroduced an oversight model of random inspection and public release acrossthe board,2 made operational and post-operational oversight more effective, andpromoted the Internet Plus government services model.

We pushed ahead with reforms to restructureand reorganize state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and introduce into them mixedownership structures. We established a review system to ensure faircompetition. We deepened resource tax reforms.

We improved measures for separating ruralland ownership rights, contract rights, and management rights, and establisheda mechanism for determining whether people have been lifted out of poverty. Wemade progress in reforming the science and technology management system, gavegreater autonomy to colleges and research institutes, and adopted profitdistribution policies oriented toward increasing the value of knowledge. Weopened up the elderly services market. We expanded the trials of comprehensivereforms in public hospitals and deepened reform of the evaluation and approvalsystems for medicine and medical equipment.

We formulated unified measures to determineand register natural resource rights. We piloted reforms for conducting directoversight by provincial-level environmental protection agencies over theenvironmental monitoring and inspection work of environmental protectionagencies below the provincial level, as well as crop rotation and fallow landreforms. The river chief system was introduced for all lakes and rivers acrossthe country, and the mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservationefforts were improved. Reform has given new impetus to economic and socialdevelopment.


We opened China wider to the rest of theworld. As we pushed ahead with the Belt and Road Initiative, we worked toincrease complementarity between the development strategies of, and practicalcooperation between, China and other countries along the routes.

The RMB was formally included in the IMF’sSpecial Drawing Rights basket. The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect waslaunched. We improved measures for promoting trade, and built 12 new integratedexperimental zones for cross-border e-commerce, bringing about a steadyrecovery in the volume of import and export.

The new practices of pilot free trade zonesin Shanghai and elsewhere were used to establish another seven pilot zones. Therequirement for review and approval for setting up and making significantadjustments to foreign enterprises was replaced by a simple filing process,with the exception of a few areas where special market access requirementsapply. In 2016, China utilized more than US$130 billion of overseas investment,continuing to rank first among developing countries.


Fourth, we strengthened innovation’sleading role, spurring the rapid development of new growth drivers.

We took further steps to implement theInternet Plus action plan and the national big data strategy, fully implementedthe Made in China 2025 initiative, and implemented and improved policies andmeasures to encourage people to launch businesses and innovate. We developedand launched a plan for completing major science and technology programs by2030, supported Beijing and Shanghai in building themselves into global R&Dcenters, and established another six national innovation demonstration zones.

China’s R&D spending reached 2.08 percentof GDP. The number of in-force Chinese patents issued in China passed themillion mark, and the value of technology transactions exceeded one trillionyuan. The contribution of scientific and technological progress to economicgrowth rose to 56.2 percent, and innovation’s role in powering development grewmarkedly.


Fifth, we promoted more balanceddevelopment between regions and between rural and urban areas, and saw fasteremergence of new growth poles and growth belts.

We stepped up work to implement the threestrategic initiatives (the Belt and Road, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration,and the Yangtze Economic Belt), and began construction on a number of keyprojects. We formulated the plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan period forlarge-scale development in the western region, launched a new round ofinitiatives as part of the Northeast revitalization strategy, drove progress inthe rise of the central region, and supported the eastern region in leading therest of the country in pursuing development. We sped up efforts to promote newtypes of urbanization, deepened reform of the household registration system,introduced the residence card system nationwide, and granted urban residency toanother 16 million people from rural areas. The synergy building throughcoordinated development became more and more evident.


Sixth, we strengthened ecologicalconservation and made fresh progress in pursuing green development.

We formulated and introduced measures forassessing progress made in ecological improvement, and established nationalpilot zones for ecological conservation. We took stronger measures against airpollution and, as a result, saw a 5.6-percent decline in sulfur dioxideemissions, a 4-percent cut in nitrogen oxide emissions, and a 9.1-percent dropin the annual average density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 74 keycities. We continued to improve the energy mix, increasing the share of cleanenergy consumption by 1.7 percentage points and cutting the share of coalconsumption by 2 percentage points.

We continued efforts to prevent and controlwater pollution, and adopted an action plan for preventing and controlling soilpollution. Central government inspections on environmental protectionaccountability were launched and violations of environmental protection lawswere investigated and prosecuted, giving impetus to deeper efforts to protectthe environment.


Seventh, we gave particular attention toensuring and improving living standards, helping Chinese people gain a strongersense of benefit.

Despite growing pressure from fiscalimbalance, we continued to increase inputs in areas related to livingstandards. We launched new policies on employment and business startups, andcarried out solid work on increasing employment for key target groups andpriority regions. We made all-around progress in key battles to eradicatepoverty and earmarked over 100 billion yuan from government budgets for povertyrelief. We increased subsistence allowances, benefits for entitled groups,basic pension payments, and other subsidies; and over 17 million peoplebenefited through the provision of cost-of-living allowances for people withdisabilities in financial difficulty and nursing care subsidies for people withsevere disabilities.

Fiscal spending on education continued tobe over 4 percent of GDP. The number of students from poor rural areas enrolledin key universities grew by 21.3 percent. We waived tuition and miscellaneousfees for students from poor rural families at regular senior high schools. Overthe course of the year, more than 84 million grants were given to students frompoor families studying in all types of schools.

The basic health insurance systems forrural and nonworking urban residents were merged and government subsidies forthe system were increased. More funding was provided for basic public healthservices. Full coverage of the serious disease insurance scheme was achieved,and healthcare costs meeting relevant provisions can now be settled on the spotwhen incurred anywhere within the provincial-level administrative area whereinsurance is registered.

We increased public cultural services atthe community level. The Fitness for All initiative was launched, and Chineseathletes gave an excellent performance at the Olympic Games and ParalympicGames in Rio de Janeiro.

Last year, parts of the country, especiallythe Yangtze basin, were hit by severe flooding and other disasters. We actedquickly to provide effective rescue and relief, swiftly relocated over 9million people, minimized damage and loss, and made systematic progress withrecovery and reconstruction efforts.


Eighth, we continued to enhance governmentperformance and improve governance, thus ensuring social harmony and stability.

The State Council submitted 13 legislativeproposals to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) forapproval and adopted or revised 8 sets of administrative regulations. Weimproved mechanisms for drawing on public opinions in decision making on publicissues and worked with keen attention to handle the proposals and suggestionsof NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members. We made progress instrengthening government transparency by releasing lists of the powers andresponsibilities of all provincial-level government departments.

We intensified accountability inspections.The third State Council accountability inspection was carried out; specialinspections and third-party evaluations were conducted on the implementation ofpolicies related to cutting overcapacity and encouraging private investment;and new steel projects launched in breach of regulations and the production andsale of substandard steel products were strictly investigated and dealt with.

We strengthened workplace safety effortsand saw a continued decline in the total number of accidents and in the numberof accidents of a serious nature.

We took comprehensive measures to maintainlaw and order and, in accordance with law, cracked down on crime and otherviolations, effectively safeguarding national and public security.


We carried out in earnest activities toenable Party members to gain a good understanding of the Party Constitution,Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major policy addressesand to meet Party standards. We worked scrupulously to ensure compliance withthe Party Central Committee’s eight-point decision on improving Party andgovernment conduct, took firm action to address formalism, bureaucratism,hedonism, and extravagance, and rigorously enforced the State Council’sthree-point decision on curbing government spending. We punished a number ofcorrupt officials in accordance with law, and the fight against corruption hasbuilt up irresistible momentum.


As a major country, China has made outstandingachievements in its diplomacy with distinctive features over the past year.President Xi Jinping and other Chinese leaders visited many countries. Theyattended major international events, including the 24th APEC Economic LeadersMeeting, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit, the BRICS LeadersMeeting, the Nuclear Security Summit, high-level meetings of the 71st sessionof the UN General Assembly, the Asia-Europe Meeting, and the East Asian leadersmeetings on cooperation. We hosted the first-ever Lancang-Mekong CooperationLeaders Meeting.

China’s coordination and cooperation withother major countries were strengthened, its comprehensive cooperation withneighboring countries continued to be boosted, its friendship and cooperationwith other developing countries were deepened, and its interactions with the UNand other international organizations became closer.

China was actively involved in reformingand improving the global governance system. We played our part in ensuring thatthe Paris Agreement was put into force. Economic diplomacy and personal andcultural exchanges yielded notable outcomes. We were resolute in upholdingChina’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maritime rights and interests.As a responsible major country, China has been playing a constructive role ininternational and regional issues and has made significant contributions toworld peace and development.


We celebrated the 95th anniversary of thefounding of the Communist Party of China and the 80th anniversary of thevictory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army,demonstrating our unshakeable will to remain true to the founding mission of theParty, to keep pressing ahead, and to overcome all difficulties, and showingthe firm determination of all Chinese people to keep up our stride on the newLong March and continue striving for new victories.


Esteemed Deputies,


We owe all the achievements made over thepast year to the sound leadership of the Party Central Committee with ComradeXi Jinping at its core and the concerted efforts of the Party, the military,and the people of all our nation’s ethnic groups. On behalf of the StateCouncil, I wish to express our sincere gratitude to all our people, includingpublic figures from all sectors of society, and to other parties and people’sorganizations. I express our sincere appreciation to our fellow countrymen andwomen in the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and in Taiwan,and to Chinese nationals overseas. I also wish to express our heartfelt thanksto the governments of other countries, international organizations, and friendsfrom all over the world who have shown understanding and support for China inits endeavor to modernize.


Yet we must not lose sight of the manyproblems and challenges China faces in pursuing economic and socialdevelopment. The internal forces driving economic growth need to bestrengthened. Overcapacity poses a serious challenge in some industries. Some enterprisesface difficulties in their production and operations. Economic prospects fordifferent regions are divergent. Fiscal imbalance is becoming great. Andpotential economic and financial risks cannot be overlooked.

Environmental pollution remains grave, andin particular, some areas are frequently hit by heavy smog. We need to furtherstrengthen our steps to combat pollution. There are also many problems causingpublic concern in housing, education, healthcare, elderly care, food and drugsafety, and income distribution. It is distressing that there were some majoraccidents in the coal mining, construction, and transportation sectors.

There is still room for improvement ingovernment performance. Some reform policies and measures have not been fullyimplemented. Excess fees and charges being levied on businesses anddifficulties facing individuals who want to access government services remainstandout problems. We still see problems of laws and regulations being enforcedin a non-standard, unfair, or uncivil way. A small number of governmentemployees are lazy and neglectful of their duties or shirk responsibility.Corruption often occurs in some sectors.

We must confront these challenges head-on,be ready to bear the weight of responsibility, and do our all to deliver. Wemust fulfill our historic mission and live up to the great trust placed in usby the Chinese people.


Esteemed Deputies,

I now wish to discuss with you what thegovernment will do in 2017.


This year, the Communist Party of Chinawill hold its 19th National Congress, so it will be a year of greatsignificance for advancing the cause of the Party and our country. To deliverin our work this year, the government will do the following:

–Follow the leadership of the Party Central Committee with ComradeXi Jinping at its core

–Hold high the banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics

–Implement fully the guidelines from the 18th National PartyCongress and those of the third through sixth plenary sessions of the 18thParty Central Committee

–Take as our guide Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents,and the Scientific Outlook on Development

–Put into practice the principles from General Secretary XiJinping’s major addresses and his new vision, thinking, and strategies forChina’s governance

–Promote balanced economic, political, cultural, social, andecological progress and coordinated implementation of the Four-ProngedComprehensive Strategy 3

–Remain committed to the underlying principle of making progresswhile keeping performance stable

–Gain a strong understanding of and put into practice the newdevelopment philosophy

–Adapt to, approach in the right way, and steer the new normal ineconomic development

–Give central importance to improving the quality and returns ofdevelopment

–Ensure that macro-level policy is consistent, industrial policy istargeted, micro-level policy injects dynamism into the market, reform policydelivers outcomes, and social policy sees basic living needs are met

–Focus on supply-side structural reform

–Expand aggregate demand as appropriate

–Do better in guiding expectations

–Strengthen the role of innovation in driving development

–Maintain stable growth, promote reform, make structuraladjustments, improve living standards, and guard against risks

–Maintain stable and sound economic development as well as socialharmony and stability

These efforts should enable us to pave the wayfor the 19th National Party Congress with outstanding achievements.


The developments both in and outside ofChina require that we are ready to face more complicated and graver situations.World economic growth remains sluggish, and both the deglobalization trend andprotectionism are growing. There are many uncertainties about the direction ofthe major economies’ policies and their spillover effects, and the factors thatcould cause instability and uncertainty are visibly increasing. China is at acrucial and challenging stage in its own development endeavors, and there aremany salient challenges and problems in the economy.

The difficulties we face are not to beunderestimated, but we must remain confident that they will be overcome. Chinahas a solid material foundation, abundant human resources, a huge market, and acomplete system of industries. It is making faster scientific and technologicalprogress, and has a complete range of infrastructure. We have good conditionsfor sustaining economic development, and many innovative tools and policyoptions for conducting macroeconomic regulation. We should follow theleadership of the Party, uphold the Party’s fundamental political guidelines,and keep to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics; we should relyon the inexhaustible creativity of the people, unite as one, and forge ahead.It is our firm belief that by doing this, we will make great new achievementsin China’s development.


Based on the above considerations, we haveset the following key projected targets for development this year:

–GDP growth of around 6.5 percent, or higher if possible in practice

–CPI increase kept at around 3 percent

–Over 11 million new urban jobs, and a registered urban unemploymentrate within 4.5 percent

–A steady rise in import and export volumes, and a basic balance ininternational payments

–Increases in personal income basically in step with economic growth

–A reduction of at least 3.4 percent in energy consumption per unitof GDP, and continued reductions in the release of major pollutants


The projected target for this year’s growthis realistic and in keeping with economic principles; it will help steer andsteady expectations and make structural adjustments; and it will help achievethe goal of finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in allrespects.

An important reason for stressing the needto maintain stable growth is to ensure employment and improve people’s lives.As employment pressure grows this year, we will continue to give top priorityto creating jobs and implement a more proactive employment policy. This year’starget for urban job creation is one million more than last year, underliningthe greater importance we are attaching to employment. Considering our soundeconomic fundamentals and the capacity they bring for job creation, with hardwork, this target is attainable.


This year, we will continue to pursue aproactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. On the basis ofconducting range-based regulation, we will focus more on targeted andwell-timed regulation and increase the foresight, precision, and effectivenessof our regulation. We will strengthen coordination of consumption, investment,regional, industrial, and environmental protection policies, and ensure theeconomy performs within an appropriate range.


We will pursue a more proactive andeffective fiscal policy. This year’s deficit-to-GDP ratio is projected to be 3percent, with the fiscal deficit set at 2.38 trillion yuan, representing ayear-on-year increase of 200 billion yuan. To break this down, the projecteddeficit of the central government is 1.55 trillion yuan, and the projecteddeficit of local governments is 830 billion yuan. Local government specialbonds to be issued will total 800 billion yuan, and local government bonds willcontinue to be issued to replace their outstanding debt. The main reason forkeeping this year’s deficit-to-GDP ratio unchanged is to allow for furtherreductions in taxes and fees. Over the course of the year, the tax burden onbusinesses will be further eased by around 350 billion yuan, and businessrelated fees will be further cut by around 200 billion yuan to benefit marketentities.

Government budgets should highlightpriorities; spending in some areas should be maintained while in others cutsshould be made; and more should be spent to strengthen areas of weakness andimprove living standards. General transfer payments to local governments willbe increased by 9.5 percent, with the focus on increasing transfer payments forequalizing access to basic public services and stepping up subsidies forregions facing economic difficulties. We will scale down non-priority spendingand cut budgets for projects that do not deliver desired outcomes.

Governments at all levels should tightentheir belts, and central government departments should take the lead by cuttingno less than 5 percent of their general expenditures. No increase in spendingon official overseas visits, official vehicles, or official hospitality ispermitted; and we will squeeze out more funds to cover cuts in taxes and fees.We will keep government spending low and enrich our people.


We will continue to pursue a prudent andneutral monetary policy. The M2 money supply and aggregate financing areforecasted to grow by around 12 percent in 2017. We will apply a full range ofmonetary policy instruments, maintain basic stability in liquidity, see thatmarket interest rates remain at an appropriate level, and improve thetransmission mechanism of monetary policy. We will encourage a greater flow offinancial resources into the real economy, particularly in support ofagriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and small and micro businesses. The RMBexchange rate will be further liberalized, and the currency’s stable positionin the global monetary system will be maintained.


To deliver a good performance this year, wein government should stick to the following guidelines:

First, we should make progress whilemaintaining stable performance and keep our strategic focus. Stability is ofoverriding importance. We should ensure stable growth, maintain employment, andprevent risks. To ensure overall economic and social stability we must not allowthe redline to be crossed concerning financial security, people’s wellbeing, orenvironmental protection. We should, while maintaining stable performance,endeavor to make progress, deepen reforms, accelerate structural adjustments,be prepared to take on some really tough problems, and push to make progress inkey areas.

Second, we should focus on supply-sidestructural reform. We must give priority to improving supply-side structure. Weshould streamline administration, reduce taxes, further expand market access,and encourage innovation; and we should keep micro entities energized, reduceineffective supply while expanding effective supply, and better adapt to andguide demand. Like the struggle from chrysalis to butterfly, this process oftransformation and upgrading is filled with promise but also accompanied bygreat pain; it is urgent, formidable, and complicated. We should press forwardwith courage and get the job done.

Third, we should expand aggregate demand asappropriate and improve its efficacy. China’s potential domestic demand isenormous, and it is both necessary and possible for domestic demand to beexpanded. The key is to know where to start. We need to increase consumerspending to improve people’s lives, and boost investment to strengthen areas ofweakness and sustain development, so that the expansion of domestic demandbecomes more effective and sustainable and supply-side reform and demand-sideregulation reinforce each other.

Fourth, we should rely on innovation toreplace old growth drivers with new ones and speed up structural improvementand upgrading. Having reached the current stage of development, China can nowadvance only through reform and innovation. We have the largest qualityworkforce as well as the largest pool of scientists, engineers, andprofessionals in the world, and their potential for innovation is trulytremendous. We must continue to draw strength from reform and opening up, fullytap the potential of human resources and human capital, and move more quicklyto pursue innovation-driven development. We should foster and develop newgrowth drivers while transforming and upgrading the traditional growth drivers,and increase total factor productivity. These steps will enable China’s economyto maintain a medium-high rate of growth and China’s industries to move towardthe medium-high end.

Fifth, we should solve prominent problemsof public concern. All government work is for the people. We should keep inmind the fact that China remains in the primary stage of socialism and pursue apeople focused development philosophy. Where conditions permit, we will lose notime in solving problems about which the people have great concern and whichdemand speedy resolution. When problems cannot be solved for the time being, wewill work to resolve them over time. We must make dedicated efforts to deliverservices to the people, resolve the difficulties they face, promote socialequity and justice, and demonstrate that development does better people’slives.


I now wish to discuss our major areas ofwork for 2017.


Confronted with the formidable tasks ofreform and development and maintaining stability this year, we must keep inmind the big picture and adopt a holistic approach, have clear priorities andfocus on key tasks, and properly handle interactions among various sectors. Weshould give priority to the following areas of work.


1. Pushing ahead with the five prioritytasks through reform

We should, on the basis of consolidatingand building on what we have achieved, improve our policies and measures inlight of new developments and new problems so as to make greater progress.


Take solid and effective steps to cutovercapacity

This year, we will further reduce steelproduction capacity by around 50 million metric tons and shut down at least 150million metric tons of coal production facilities. At the same time, we willsuspend or postpone construction on or eliminate no less than 50 millionkilowatts of coal-fired power generation capacity in order to guard against anddefuse the risks of overcapacity in coal-fired power, improve the efficiency ofthis sector, optimize the energy mix, and make room for clean energy todevelop.

We will strictly enforce all laws,regulations, and standards on environmental protection, energy consumption,quality, and safety and make more use of market- and law-based methods as wework to address the problems of "zombie enterprises," encourageenterprise mergers, restructuring, and bankruptcy liquidations, shut down alloutdated production facilities that fail to meet standards, and stringentlycontrol the launching of new projects in industries that are already saddledwith overcapacity.

As overcapacity is cut, we must provideassistance to laid-off workers. Central government special funds for rewardsand subsidies should be promptly allocated and local governments andenterprises need to put in place related funds and measures, to ensure thatlaid-off workers can find new jobs and secure their livelihoods.


Take targeted policies to cut excess urbanreal estate inventory

At present, there is still excess supply inthe real estate markets of third- and fourth-tier cities. We will support bothlocal and new residents in buying homes for personal use.

We need to be clear that housing is forpeople to live in, and local governments should take primary responsibility inthis respect. We should move faster to establish robust long-term mechanismsfor promoting the steady and sound development of the real estate sector andbuild a better housing system that gives equal weight to buying and renting,with multiple levels of demand being met primarily by the market, and basichousing support provided by the government. We will take more category-basedand targeted steps to regulate the real estate market. Cities that are underbig pressure from rising housing prices need to increase as appropriate thesupply of land for residential use. We should better regulate housingdevelopment, marketing, and intermediary services, and keep home prices fromrising too quickly in popular cities.

Today, several dozen million people stilllive in rundown areas in cities and towns. We must continue housing renovationsin these areas. This year, we will renovate another 6 million housing units inthese areas, continue to develop public rental housing and other forms ofgovernment-subsidized housing, base measures on local circumstances and usemultiple means to increase the use of monetary compensation for those affectedby such rebuilding, and improve local infrastructure and public services. Withthese efforts, we will help more families struggling with housing to bidfarewell to rundown areas, and see that with good roofs over their heads ourpeople move on to better lives.


Carry out deleveraging in an active andprudent way

There is high leverage in nonfinancialChinese firms. This is caused by high savings rates and the composition offinancing which is primarily based on credit. While working to control overallleverage, we should focus on bringing down the leverage of enterprises. We needto see that the idle assets of enterprises are put to use, push ahead withsecuritization of corporate assets, support market- and law-baseddebt-to-equity swaps, develop the multilevel capital market, expand equityfinancing, and place tighter constraints on enterprises, especially SOEs, inleveraging, so as to gradually reduce enterprise debt to an acceptable level.


Take multiple measures to cut costs

More small businesses with low profits willenjoy halved corporate income tax, with the upper limit of taxable annualincome raised from 300,000 to 500,000 yuan. For small and medium high-techenterprises, the proportion of R&D expenses covered by the additional taxreduction policy is to be raised from 50 to 75 percent. We will do all we canto see the intensity and impact of structural tax cuts deliver further results.The great number of charges have placed an unbearable burden on manybusinesses; we are going to slash non-tax burdens.

First, we will completely overhaulgovernment-managed funds, abolish municipal public utility surcharges, andauthorize local governments to reduce and cancel some funds.

Second, we will abolish or suspend 35administrative charges paid by enterprises to the central government, againcutting the number of charges by more than half; and then reduce as far aspossible those that still apply. Local governments also need to makesignificant cuts to government administrative fees.

Third, we will reduce government-setoperating fees for businesses. Unauthorized fees charged by intermediaries forgovernment review and approval will be overhauled or abolished. We will worktoward lower operating fees levied on businesses in the finance and railwayfreight sectors. We will strengthen oversight over the collection of market-setservice fees.

Fourth, we will continue to lower asappropriate the share paid by enterprises for contributions to social security.

Fifth, we will deepen reforms and improvepolicies to reduce government imposed transaction costs for businesses andlower their energy and logistics costs.

All government departments and agenciesconcerned should have in mind the overall interests of the country instead oftheir narrow departmental interests, reduce the financial burden onenterprises, and help them develop new advantages over internationalcompetition.


Take targeted and powerful measures tostrengthen areas of weakness

We need to focus on salient problems thatare holding back economic and social development and making it difficult toimprove people’s standards of living, and we should integrate efforts toundertake major projects set out in the 13th Five-Year Plan with efforts tostrengthen areas of weakness. We should act faster to raise the capacity ofpublic services, infrastructure, innovation-driven development, and resourcesand the environment to sustain development.


Poor areas and people living in povertyrepresent the area of greatest weakness we must face as we work to finishbuilding a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We need to do more inimplementing targeted poverty reduction and elimination measures. This year wewill further reduce the number of rural residents living in poverty by over 10million, including 3.4 million to be relocated from inhospitable areas. Centralgovernment funding for poverty alleviation will be increased by over 30percent.

We need to step up development incontiguous areas of extreme poverty, old revolutionary bases, border areas, andareas with concentrations of ethnic minorities. For this we should focus on thefollowing work: improving infrastructure and public services; fostering povertyalleviation through distinctive local businesses, the domestic and overseasexport of labor, and improving education and health care; providing assistanceto people who become poor or sink back into poverty due to illness;implementing the program for improving life in poor villages; and building theself-development capacity of poor areas and people.

In poor counties, different ruraldevelopment funds will be merged, and oversight over funds and projects will bestrengthened. We will develop new mechanisms for coordinating poverty reductionefforts. We will support and guide non-governmental participation in combatingpoverty. The system for ensuring responsibility is taken for poverty eliminationwill be effectively enforced, the strictest possible evaluations andassessments of poverty alleviation will be carried out, and stern measures willbe taken to address deception, falsification, and the manipulation of numbersin poverty elimination work. We must see that the results of our povertyelimination earn the approval of our people and stand the test of time.


2. Deepening reform in major sectors andkey links

Full reform will be deepened in all areas.We will move faster to advance fundamental and critical reforms to boost theinternal forces driving development.


We will continue to transform government functions.

To enable the market to play the decisiverole in resource allocation and to give better play to the role of government,we must deepen reforms to streamline government administration, delegate morepowers, and improve regulation and service. This is a profound reform ofgovernment itself, which we need to continue to pursue with the courage to makepainful self-adjustments and overcome all odds.

We will fully implement the list-basedmanagement system, formulate lists of powers and responsibilities of thedepartments under the State Council, accelerate the extension of trials ofgranting market access on the basis of a negative list, and reduce thediscretionary powers of the government while giving the market more freedom totake its course. We will abolish the requirement for permits for a number ofproduction and service activities. We will deepen institutional reforms in thebusiness sector, merge different forms of certification required of businessesinto one certificate, and expand trials to separate operating permits andbusiness licenses. We will improve the system for conducting both registrationand post-registration oversight over businesses, apply the oversight model ofrandom inspection and public release to cover all business activities, andstrengthen coordinated administrative law enforcement. We will accelerateefforts to make the information systems of the State Council departments andthose of local governments better connected and form a nationally unifiedgovernment service platform.

To see that businesses and the publicbenefit more from our reforms to streamline administration, delegate powers,and improve regulation and services, we must cut red tape, level the playingfield, provide greater convenience, and remove that last crucial hurdle.


We will continue to reform fiscal and taxsystems.

We will implement and improve policies onreplacing business tax with VAT across the board. We will simplify thestructure of VAT rates, and undertake this year to turn the four tax bracketsinto three. We will create a simple, transparent, and fairer tax environmentand further ease the tax burden of our firms. We will move faster to advancethe reform of defining the respective financial powers and expenditureresponsibilities of the central and local governments, formulate an overallplan for central and local government revenue sharing, improve the local taxsystem, and better regulate local government debt financing. We will step upefforts to make government budgets and final accounts more transparent tocreate pressure for idle budgetary funds to be put to good use. We must usefunds more efficiently, and ensure every single sum is spent where it can beseen and produces results.


We will advance reforms in the financialsector.

We will prompt financial institutions tofocus on their main business and make their services accessible to small andmicro businesses, strengthen their ability to serve the real economy, andresolutely prevent them from being distracted from their intended purpose.

We will encourage large and mediumcommercial banks to establish inclusive finance departments. Large state-ownedbanks should take the lead in this effort. We will adopt differentiatedassessment and evaluation measures and supportive policies, and effectivelyaddress the problem of medium, small, and micro enterprises being unable toaccess loans or having to pay high interest to secure loans.

We will make good use of policy-backed anddevelopment-oriented finance. We will move forward with the reform of ruralcredit cooperatives and strengthen the role they play in meeting the needs ofagriculture, rural areas, and farmers.

We will deepen the reform of themulti-tiered capital market, improve the basic systems of the main board,actively develop the ChiNext stock market and the new third board, and see thatregional equity markets develop in a well-regulated way. We will expandchannels for using insurance funds to support the real economy. We will makemajor efforts to develop green finance. We will give impetus to the sounddevelopment of the financial leasing industry.

At present, overall, systemic risks areunder control. But we must be fully alert to the buildup of risks, includingrisks related to non-performing assets, bond defaults, shadow banking, andInternet finance. We will take active and steady steps to advance the reform ofthe financial regulatory system, and work systematically to defuse major potentialrisks. We will ensure order in the financial sector and build a firewallagainst financial risks.

The fundamentals of the Chinese economyremain sound, the capital adequacy ratio and provision coverage of commercialbanks remain high, and we have many financial tools and instruments that can beused. We have the confidence, the ability, and the means to forestall systemicrisks.


We will deepen the reform of SOEs and statecapital.

We should develop a corporate governancestructure (represented by legal person) that is under effective check and aflexible and efficient market-based operating system, with a view to increasingcore competitiveness and making resource allocation more effective. This yearwe will basically complete the introduction of corporate systems into SOEs. Wewill deepen reform to establish mixed ownership systems, and make substantiveprogress in industries including electric power, petroleum, natural gas,railways, civil aviation, telecommunications, and defense.

We will advance structural reform in thepower, oil and gas sectors and open their competitive operations to the privatesector. We will do more to make SOEs leaner and healthier, and perform better;and we will redouble efforts to relieve SOEs of their obligations to operatesocial programs and help them resolve other longstanding issues. We will makeprogress in work on piloting reforms in state capital investment and managementcompanies.

We will improve and strengthen regulationof state assets, and ensure that state assets maintain and increase theirvalue, as we are duty bound to see that the common wealth of the people is wellprotected and grows.


We will do more to energize the non-publicsector.

We will thoroughly implement the policiesand measures for supporting the development of the non-public sector. We willwork actively to develop a new relationship between government and business. Wewill encourage non-public enterprises to participate in SOE reforms. We mustensure equal rights, equal opportunities, and fair rules, and further expandmarket access to the non-public sector. All industries and sectors for whichentry is not explicitly prohibited by laws or regulations should be open to differenttypes of market entities; all industries and sectors that are open to overseasinvestment should be open to Chinese private capital; and all unjustifiedactivities that impede fair market competition should be stopped.


We will improve the property rightsprotection system.

Protecting property rights means protectinglabor, protecting invention and innovation, and protecting and developingproductive forces. We will work faster to improve the property rightsprotection system and protect in accordance with law the property rights ofeconomic entities under all forms of ownership and the property rights ofcitizens. We will encourage people to start businesses, make innovations, andcreate wealth, and we will inspire and protect entrepreneurship, and ensurethat entrepreneurs can run their businesses and make investments with peace ofmind. Activities that infringe on the property rights of businesses andcitizens must be investigated and dealt with severely; anything that has beendone wrong must be corrected.


We will make a big push for progress in thereform of the social system.

We will deepen reforms in support of changein the income distribution system. We will take steady steps to advance reformof the old-age insurance system, and allocate a portion of state capital toenlarge social security funds. We will deepen the coordinated reform of medicalservices, health insurance, and the medicine industry. We will introduceoverall reform in public hospitals nationwide, abolish all markups onpharmaceuticals, and make coordinated progress in reforming health carepricing, staffing and remuneration, medicine distribution, and models of healthinsurance payment. We will continue reforms in education, the cultural sector,and public institutions to unleash society’s vast potential for growth.


We will deepen institutional reform tobuild a sound ecological environment.

We will improve the functional zoningsystem and the mechanisms for compensating for ecological conservation efforts;we will put in place resource and environment monitoring and early-warningmechanisms; we will launch trials to improve the state natural resource assetsmanagement system; and we will introduce an overall plan for establishing anational parks system. All these efforts should provide effective institutionalsafeguards for building a sound ecological environment.


3. Doing more to unleash the potential ofdomestic demand

We will push to see that the composition ofsupply becomes better matched with the composition of demand and thatconsumption upgrades and effective investment reinforce each other; we willpromote coordinated development between regions and between rural and urbanareas; and we will strengthen the role of domestic demand in sustaining growth.


We will promote a steady increase inconsumer spending.

We need to adapt to changes in consumerdemand, improve our policies and measures, and create a better consumerenvironment.

First, we need to speed up the developmentof service consumption. We will launch a new round of trials for comprehensivereform in the service sector, and support the non-governmental sector inproviding educational, cultural, elderly care, healthcare, and other services.We will encourage development of new service models and cross-sectoralintegration, combined medical and elderly care services, cultural and creativeservices, and other emerging forms of consumption. We will ensure paidvacations are enforced, improve tourist facilities and services, and make a bigpush to develop rural tourism, recreational tourism, and all-for-one tourism.We will increase information consumption including digital homes and onlinelearning. We will see that communities and rural areas have better access toe-commerce and express delivery services, and encourage the integrateddevelopment of physical store sales and online shopping.

Second, we need to boost consumption ofquality products. We will guide enterprises in increasing the variety ofproducts, raising their quality, and building the brands of their products.More products sold domestically should be produced on the same productionlines, meet the same standards, and be of the same quality as products forexport in order to better satisfy the needs of upgrading consumption.

Third, we need to ensure order in themarket. We will be strict about investigating and punishing the production andsale of counterfeit and substandard goods, false advertising, and price fraud.We will strengthen the protection of consumer rights; and we will make surethat spending is an enjoyable rather than a disappointing experience forconsumers.


We will work proactively to expandeffective investment.

We will guide more investment into fieldsthat will help to strengthen weak areas, drive structural adjustment, encourageinnovation, and improve people’s lives. This year, we will invest 800 billionyuan in railway construction and 1.8 trillion yuan in highway and waterwayprojects. Construction on another 15 major water conservancy projects willbegin; and work on major rail transport, civil and general aviation, andtelecommunications infrastructure projects will be sped up. A total of 507.6billion yuan of investment has been included in the central government budgetthis year. We will implement and improve policies and measures for encouragingprivate investment. We will continue to promote public-private partnerships,and improve related policies on preferential pricing, tax, and feearrangements. Government must take the lead in acting in good faith and mustnever arbitrarily change agreements, and new officials must not disavowobligations undertaken by their predecessors.


We will improve planning for regionaldevelopment.

We will coordinate the launching of threestrategic initiatives and the development of the eastern, central, western, andnortheastern regions. We will ensure related plans are well implemented andexplore and adopt new measures. We will boost the development of national-levelnew areas, development zones, and industrial parks through innovation. We willsupport the economic transformation and development of areas hurt by resourcedepletion and severe ecological degradation. Airspace resources will be betterallocated. We will speed up the development of maritime economy demonstrationzones, we will move faster to develop China into a strong maritime country, andwe will be resolute in safeguarding China’s maritime rights and interests.


We will take solid steps to pursue a newtype of urbanization.

We will deepen the reform of the householdregistration system. This year, at least 13 million new urban residents will beregistered as permanent urban residents. We will speed up work to introduce theurban residence card system nationwide. We will support the development ofsmall and medium cities and small towns with distinctive local features. Wewill help a number of counties and very large towns that meet the criteria tosteadily develop into cities, and we will make city clusters better play theirrole in driving the development of their surrounding areas.

We will encourage local governments tointegrate their urban plans into single master plans and raise the standard ofmunicipal planning and design. We will take more steps to reform and developthe construction industry, and improve the quality of construction projects. Wewill promote coordinated urban development above and below the ground,strengthen geological surveying, and begin construction on at least another2,000 kilometers of underground utility tunnels in cities. A three-yearinitiative will be launched to remove the risk of flooding in highly vulnerableurban areas, further progress will be made in the development of sponge cities,and effective steps will be taken to address traffic congestion and other urbanmaladies. All these efforts will make our cities more attractive and functionbetter.


4. Transforming and upgrading the realeconomy through innovation

The real economy has always been thefoundation of China’s development; the task we now face is to speed up itstransformation and upgrading. We will do more to implement the strategy ofinnovation-driven development, upgrade the structure of the real economy, andimprove its performance and competitiveness.


We will strengthen our capability formaking technological innovations.

We will improve mechanisms for providingcontinued long-term support for fundamental research and original research,build major national infrastructure projects for science and technology and setup technological innovation hubs, and establish platforms for sharing R&Dresources.

We will continue piloting reforms forall-around innovation. We will reform the system for assessing scientific andtechnological achievements. We will see our universities and researchinstitutes truly operate with autonomy, ensure that incentive policies likestocks, options, and dividends are implemented, and implement the reform of thesystems for managing research funding and projects. These steps should keep ourscientists and engineers from being distracted and allow them to focus on theirresearch.

We will begin piloting reforms to conductintegrated management of intellectual property rights and improve the systemfor creating, protecting, and applying intellectual property rights.

We will deepen reform of China’s systemsfor cultivating talent and introduce more effective policies for bringing intalent from overseas. By welcoming the world’s brightest minds to China andfully motivating our scientists and engineers, we will use innovation toaccomplish great things.


We will accelerate the development ofemerging industries.

We will fully implement our plan fordeveloping strategic emerging industries. We will accelerate R&D on andcommercialization of new materials, new energy, artificial intelligence,integrated circuits, bio-pharmacy, 5G mobile communications, and othertechnologies, and develop industrial clusters in these fields. We will continueto support and guide the development of the sharing economy to enable greaterefficiency in the use of resources and bring greater convenience to our people.We will formulate regulatory rules for emerging industries in keeping with theprinciple of encouraging innovation and conducting regulation in a tolerant andprudent way, and guide and promote the healthy development of emergingindustries. We will deepen reform of the statistics management system andimprove statistics on emerging industries.

In the age of the Internet, faster, safer,and more cost-effective information networks are crucial to the development ofevery sector. This year, we will do more to increase broadband speed and lowerrates for Internet services. Mobile rates for domestic roaming andlong-distance calls will be cancelled; rates for broadband services for smalland medium enterprises will be slashed; and rates for international calls willbe lowered. We will push forward with the Internet Plus action plan and speedup the development of the digital economy. I am confident that all these stepswill benefit both businesses and our people.


We will endeavor to transform and upgradetraditional industries.

We will intensify efforts to implement theMade in China 2025 initiative, promote accelerated application of big data,cloud computing, and the Internet of Things, and use new technologies, newforms of business, and new models to bring about transformation in theproduction, management, and marketing models of traditional industries.

With the development of smart manufacturingas our focus, we will press ahead with building national smart manufacturingdemonstration zones and manufacturing innovation centers. We will work hard onthe implementation of projects to build a robust foundation for industrialdevelopment and projects to develop and make major equipment, and we will makea big push to develop advanced manufacturing, thus moving toward mid- and high-endmanufacturing. We will improve policies designed to turn China into amanufacturer of quality, and we will adopt a variety of supportive measures fortechnological upgrading and re-energize traditional industries.


We will continue to encourage people tostart businesses and make innovations.

Our policy of encouraging people to startbusinesses and innovate is an effective way of creating jobs through businessstartups and innovation; it is an important source of strength that fosters newgrowth drivers to replace old ones and that upgrades the economic structure;and it is an effective channel for promoting equal opportunity and facilitatingvertical social mobility. We must keep on pushing hard with this policy.

We will establish more entrepreneurship andinnovation demonstration centers; we will encourage large enterprises, researchinstitutes, and universities to establish specialized spaces for crowdinnovation; we will strengthen support for innovative medium, small and microbusinesses; and we will develop a full range of services that are accessible tothe general public for the entire business startup and innovation process. Allthis should help entities to fully exploit their own strengths and interactboth on- and off-line, and see small enterprises burgeoning nationwide, largeenterprises growing mighty, and market dynamism and social creativity beingfully unleashed.


We will take comprehensive steps to improveproduct quality.

We will take a broad range of actions toraise quality, strengthening all-around quality management, building firmtechnological foundations for product quality, tightening quality oversight,and improving the competitive mechanism that links a firm’s fate in business tothe quality of its products. Quality is born of workmanship. We will promoteworkmanship and foster a culture of workmanship where workers have a strongwork ethic and tirelessly seek improvement. We will refine our incentivemechanisms and see great numbers of Chinese workers exemplify workmanship andmore Chinese brands enjoy international recognition. We will usher in an era ofquality for economic development in China.


5. Promoting steady development ofagriculture and continued increases in rural incomes

We will do more to advance supply-sidestructural reform in agriculture, improve policies to boost agriculture andbenefit farmers, and create more channels for rural residents to findemployment and increase their incomes. We will ensure China’s food security,see that agricultural modernization and new urbanization reinforce each other,and speed up efforts to foster new drivers powering agricultural and ruraldevelopment.


We will push forward with structuraladjustment in agriculture.

We will guide farmers in responding tomarket demand, increasing the supply of quality green agricultural products andthe production of quality rice and wheat, and making appropriate reductions tothe amount of land devoted to growing corn. We will expand trials to replacegrain crop with feed crop cultivation to cover over 667,000 hectares. We willencourage the use of multiple channels to reduce excess stockpiles of corn. Wewill support major agricultural production areas in developing intensive processingof agricultural products, develop farm-based recreation or agritourism, extendindustry chains and value chains, and step up the integrated development ofprimary, secondary, and tertiary industries in rural areas.


We will boost the development of modernagriculture.

We will work faster to see due standardsare followed in agricultural production, and promote the development andprotection of brand name agricultural products. We will create functional zonesfor grain production, major agricultural product protection areas, areas forgrowing quality and distinctively local agricultural products, and modernagriculture industrial parks. We will continue to improve rural land, upgradelow- and medium-yield cropland, and spread dry-farming techniques, adding 1.33million hectares of farmland under highly water-efficient irrigation. We willstrengthen the protection of cultivated land and improve work to offsetcultivated land used for other purposes.

Developing appropriately scaled,diversified farming operations is vital for Chinese-style agriculturalmodernization, and these operations need to be covered by agriculturalinsurance. This year, in selected counties and county-level cities in 13 majorgrain-producing provinces, we will provide catastrophe insurance for farmersengaging in appropriately scaled farming operations. We will channel a portionof budgetary disaster relief funds into this initiative and expand the coverageand raise the benefits of the insurance scheme. We will improve the agriculturalreinsurance system. We wish to use sustainable and sound agricultural insuranceschemes to drive the development of modern agriculture.


We will deepen rural reforms.

We will take steady steps to reform therural collective property rights system and deepen the pilot reform of therural land system to see our farmers are granted more property rights.

We will improve pricing mechanisms forgrain and other important agricultural products as well as the system for theirpurchase and storage. We will carry out comprehensive reform of the pricing forwater used in agriculture. We will deepen reforms related to collective foresttenure, state forestry areas and farms, state-owned farms, and rural supply andmarketing cooperatives. We will strengthen the development of ruralcommunity-level organizations. We will improve the mechanisms for encouragingbusiness startups and innovation in rural areas, train more professionalfarmers of new kinds, support migrant workers in starting businesses in theirhometowns and villages, and take further measures to encourage college graduates,demobilized military personnel, and scientists and engineers to work in ruralareas.


We will step up the development of publicfacilities in rural areas.

A total of 200,000 kilometers of roads willbe upgraded or built in rural areas. We will see that all rural areas have asteady and reliable supply of power and that all electric pumpsets on ruralflatlands are connected. Fiber-optic broadband will be extended to 30,000administrative villages. We will increase water supply to better ensure accessto safe drinking water. We will intensify efforts to renovate dilapidatedhouses and improve rural living environments. Our goal is to develop ruralChina into a place where people can enjoy both the beauty of the countrysideand the conveniences of modern living.


6. Actively expanding China’s opening up to the world

Faced with new changes in the internationalenvironment and the new requirements of China’s development, we need to furtherrefine our strategic plan for opening up, work faster to build new systems foran open economy, and drive China toward both deeper and higher level openingup.


We will make solid efforts to pursue theBelt and Road Initiative.

Guided by the principle of achieving sharedgrowth through consultation and collaboration, we will accelerate the buildingof overland economic corridors and maritime cooperation hubs, and establishcooperative mechanisms for achieving compatibility in customs clearanceprocedures along the routes. We will deepen international industrial-capacitycooperation, promoting the export of Chinese equipment, technologies,standards, and services, to see that China and other countries are able to drawon each other’s strengths. We will strengthen personal and cultural exchanges andcooperation in education, science and technology, culture, healthcare, andtourism. We will see that in holding the Belt and Road Forum for InternationalCooperation we offer a meeting of real quality, opening the page on a great newchapter of mutually beneficial cooperation.


We will ensure that foreign trade continuesto pick up and register steady growth.

We will implement and improve our importand export policies and optimize imports and exports. We will expand thecoverage of export credit insurance and provide export financing insurance forall insurable complete sets of large equipment. We will move ahead with trialsto develop services trade through innovation and establish a seed fund toencourage innovation to develop services trade.

We will support the development of marketprocurement trade and integrated foreign trade service firms. We willaccelerate the development of demonstration centers for transforming andupgrading foreign trade. We will facilitate the extension of processing tradeto the medium-high end of industrial chains and its relocation to central andwestern regions.

We will extend the practice of processinginternational trade through a single window, and achieve nationwide integrationof customs clearance procedures. The import of advanced technologies,equipment, and important parts and components will be increased to promote thebalanced growth of foreign trade and accelerate industrial upgrading in China.


We will make big moves to improve theenvironment for foreign investors.

We will revise the catalog of industriesopen to foreign investment, and make service industries, manufacturing, andmining more open to foreign investment. We will encourage foreign-investedfirms to be listed and issue bonds in China and allow them to take part innational science and technology projects. Foreign firms will be treated thesame as domestic firms when it comes to license applications,standards-setting, and government procurement, and will enjoy the samepreferential policies under the Made in China 2025 initiative.

Local governments can, within the scope ofthe powers granted them by law, adopt preferential policies to attract foreigninvestment. We will build 11 high-standard pilot free trade zones, and widelyspread practices developed in these zones that are proven to work. We willguide the sound and standardized development of Chinese overseas investment,and increase the ability of Chinese companies to hedge against risks. China’sdoor is going to keep on opening wider, and China will keep working to be themost attractive destination for foreign investment.


We will promote the liberalization andfacilitation of international trade and investment.

Economic globalization is in thefundamental interests of all countries. China will not shift in its commitmentto promoting global economic cooperation, will uphold the multilateral tradingregime as the main channel of international trade, and will play an active partin multilateral trade negotiations. China is ready to join hands with the othercountries involved to fully put into force and implement the Protocol to Amendthe Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China andASEAN, to conclude talks as soon as possible for the Regional ComprehensiveEconomic Partnership agreement, and to advance the development of the FreeTrade Area of the Asia-Pacific. We will continue to negotiate investment andtrade agreements with relevant countries and regions.

China is a responsible country. We havealways striven to honor the commitments we have made, and we will firmly defendour due rights and interests.


7. Effectively strengthening environmentalprotection

Faster progress in work to improve theenvironment, particularly air quality, is what people are desperately hopingfor, and is critical to sustainable development. We must adopt well-designedpolicies, tackle both symptoms and root causes, and take tough steps to makethe grade in responding to the people.


We will make our skies blue again.

This year, we will see that sulfur dioxideand nitrogen oxide emissions are both cut by 3 percent and that fineparticulate matter (PM2.5) density in key areas falls markedly.

First, we will work faster to addresspollution caused by coal burning. We will take comprehensive steps to reducenon-centralized coal burning operations, promote clean winter heating in thenorthern region, replace the use of coal with electricity and natural gas inmore than 3 million households, and shut down all small coal-fired furnaces inestablished districts of cities at the prefectural level and above.

We will step up work on upgradingcoal-fired power plants to achieve ultra-low emissions and energy conservation.Upgrading should be completed this year in the eastern region, next year in thecentral region, and by 2020 in the western region. We will act quickly toimprove our mechanisms and technologies, enabling us to prioritize theintegration of clean energy sources into the electric grid and effectivelyaddress wasted hydro-, wind- and solar-power generation capacities. We willdevelop nuclear power in a safe and highly efficient way. We will also workfaster to make comprehensive use of straw.

Second, we will take a full range ofmeasures to tackle the sources of pollution. We will take focused actions tocurb pollution in key industries. We will place all key sources of industrialpollution under round-the-clock online monitoring, and ensure the quality ofmonitoring. We will set a clear deadline by which enterprises must meetrequired discharge standards, and take resolute law-based action to close downall those that still fail to meet standards after the deadline.

Third, we will strengthen control overexhaust emitted by motor vehicles. We will see that basically allhigher-emission vehicles are scrapped, work faster to take old vehicles off theroads, carry out dedicated initiatives to deal with high-emission vehicles, andencourage the use of clean-energy cars. We will improve the quality of fuelsand move faster to promote the use of those that meet National-VI emissionstandards in key areas.

Fourth, we will take effective steps totackle heavy air pollution. We will strengthen analysis of sources of airpollution and research on the causes of smog to improve the scientific basisand precision of the steps taken. We will expand the coverage of mechanisms inkey areas to ensure coordinated prevention and control efforts across regions,and enhance early warning and emergency response measures.

Fifth, we will strictly enforce environmentallaws and regulations, conduct inspections, and hold violators accountable.Illegal dischargers and fraud must be punished in accordance with law.Officials who do a poor job in enforcing the law, knowingly allow environmentalviolations, or respond inadequately to worsening air quality will be held fullyaccountable.

Tackling smog is down to every last one ofus, and success depends on action and commitment. As long as the whole of oursociety keeps trying, we will have more and more blue skies with each passingyear.


We will strengthen the prevention andcontrol of water and soil pollution.

This year, chemical oxygen demand andammonia nitrogen emissions should both drop by 2 percent. We will effectivelyprevent and control water pollution in key drainage basins, regions, and seaareas and agricultural pollution from non-point sources. We will undertakerigorous investigations on soil pollution and develop and implementcategory-based measures to tackle this problem. We will take comprehensivemeasures to improve both urban and rural environments, advocate green living,and promote waste sorting. We will strengthen energy conservation andenvironmental protection industries and develop green remanufacturing andcircular industries to ensure both environmental improvement and economicgrowth.


We will move forward with ecologicalconservation and improvement.

We will act promptly to set redlines forecological conservation and hold firm to these lines. We will work actively torespond to climate change. We will begin to pilot projects to improve thequality of our forests and restore ecosystems along the Yangtze Economic Belt,and launch the second group of trial projects to conserve the ecosystems ofmountains, forests, farmland, rivers, and lakes. We will turn more than 800,000hectares of marginal farmland into forests or grassland. We will address thespread of desertification and stony deserts. These initiatives will enable usto accumulate more ecological wealth and build a green Great Wall ofsustainable development.


8. Promoting social development to ensureand improve the wellbeing of our people

The wellbeing of the people is at thecenter of governance; it must be always on our minds and the responsibility forit must never leave our shoulders. Against the backdrop of challenging andcomplex environments both at home and abroad, it is all the more imperativethat we prioritize efforts to ensure and improve the wellbeing of our people,spare no effort to deliver benefit to them wherever possible, and ensure theirbasic living needs are met.


We will strive to boost employment andbusiness startups.

We will improve employment policy,strengthen employment training, and increase support for flexible employmentand new forms of employment.

This year, 7.95 million students willgraduate from college, the highest number on record. We need to effectivelyimplement initiatives to promote their employment, to guide them in startingbusinesses, and to encourage them to work at the community level, providing ourcollege graduates with multiple channels to find jobs or start their ownbusinesses. We will implement and improve policies and see that demobilizedmilitary personnel are settled into new jobs. We will step up employmentassistance to help vulnerable urban residents and people with disabilities findemployment and to ensure that at least one member in every family currentlywith zero employment secures a stable job.

Employment is crucial to ensuring people’swellbeing. We will focus our effort on facilitating employment to see thatthrough their hard work, people can create wealth and realize their fullpotential.


We will work to ensure that our people haveaccess to equitable and quality education.

We will combine the separate policies forrural and urban students receiving compulsory education that waive tuition and miscellaneousfees, supply free textbooks, and grant living allowances for boarders fromfinancially disadvantaged families. We will make compulsory educationaccessible as a public service to all permanent urban residents, with andwithout local urban household registration. We will continue to improveconditions in badly built and poorly operated schools, and expand the reach ofquality educational resources, so as to narrow the gap in the quality ofeducation between urban and rural areas, different regions, and differentschools.

We will continue to expand the enrollmentof students from poor rural areas at key colleges and universities. We willincrease government grants for PhD students. We will strengthen efforts todevelop more world-class universities and first-class fields of discipline. Wewill continue to encourage some undergraduate institutions to shift their focustoward providing applied education.

We will pilot comprehensive reform of thecollege entrance examination system; accelerate the development of modernvocational education; ensure ethnic minorities improve their education; andmake sure that we have good special needs education, continuing education,preschool education, and education for senior citizens. We will support the developmentof private education and work to ensure it meets all relevant standards. Wewill work to improve teacher performance. The Modernizing Chinese Education2030 initiative will be developed and launched. We will develop education thatsatisfies the needs of our people, make the modernization of education underpinthe modernization of our country, and see that more children realize theirdreams and more families have their hopes fulfilled.


We will make continued progress in buildinga Healthy China.

We will increase both government subsidiesfor basic health insurance for rural and nonworking urban residents from 420 to450 yuan per person per annum and personal contributions, and will expand thescope of this insurance to cover more medicines. We will accelerate thebuilding of a nationwide information network for basic health insurance so thathealthcare costs can be settled directly where incurred. We will improve themajor disease insurance system and increase insurance benefits for subscribers.

We will launch nationwide trials toestablish partnerships of different forms between medical institutionsoperating at different levels. All municipal-level public hospitals will beexpected to participate and play a leading role in this initiative. We willestablish performance evaluation and incentive mechanisms that encourage thecoordinated use of quality medical resources with a view to improving thecapacity of community hospitals and conveniencing people by enabling access tomedical services closer to home. We will extend trials to use a tiereddiagnosis and treatment model and a contracted family doctor service system tocover over 85 percent of prefectural-level cities in China.

In promoting better health, we willcontinue to increase government subsidies for funding basic public healthservices and strengthen the development of the disease prevention system andthe chronic disease prevention and control system. We will respond to publichealth accidents promptly, publicly, and effectively. We will work to ensurethat medical practitioners remain motivated and that interactions betweendoctor and patient are amicable. As the policy of allowing couples to have twochildren has been adopted, we need to strengthen our maternity medical andhealthcare services. We will support the development of traditional Chinesemedicine on the basis of law.

The safety of food and medicine isimportant to the health of our people and therefore demands regulation of theutmost rigor. With this in mind, we will improve the related regulatory systemand mechanisms, and strengthen regulatory agencies on the ground. We willensure that responsibilities are fully assumed by all those involved; and wewill exercise regulation that starts with the source, place equal emphasis onregulation over production and management, and see that serious violations areseverely penalized. We will be firm in doing all we can to ensure the safety offood and medicine for our people.


We will weave a strong safety net to ensurepeople’s wellbeing.

We will continue raising basic pensionpayments and see they are paid on time and in full. Standards for benefits forentitled groups and social assistance benefits will be steadily raised, and theemergency aid system will be fully implemented. We will adjust and improve thenatural disaster subsidy mechanism, and finish the rebuilding of all housesdamaged during flooding last year.

We will strengthen efforts to ensure thecare and protection of children who remain in rural areas while their parentswork away in the cities and provide support for children living in difficultconditions in both rural and urban areas. We will provide care and assistanceto the families of military personnel and revolutionary martyrs and elderlypeople who live alone. We will achieve full coverage in providing livingallowances for people with disabilities in financial difficulty and nursingcare subsidies for people with severe disabilities.

County-level governments must put in placecoordination mechanisms for meeting people’s most basic needs. They must makesure there is a social cushion in place, letting those in real need feelsupport is there and see hope up ahead. We will use a combination of legal,administrative, and economic means to continue resolving the problem of wagearrears for migrant workers, never allowing their hard work to go unpaid.


We will develop cultural programs andindustries.

We will foster stronger observance ofsocialist cultural and ethical standards, and continue to use the Chinese Dreamand core socialist values to build consensus, pool energy, and strengthen ourpeople’s confidence in Chinese culture. We will work to ensure that philosophy,the social sciences, art, and literature develop and thrive, and promote thedevelopment of the press, publishing, radio, television, film, and archiving.We will develop new types of think tanks with distinctive Chinese features. Wewill implement the programs to keep fine traditional Chinese culture thrivingand see that China’s cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage receiveeffective protection and play fuller roles. We will work hard to foster a loveof reading in our people and enable them to learn more about science.

We will make basic public cultural servicesmore equitable. We will speed up our work to develop cultural industries,strengthen regulation over cultural markets, and foster a healthy cyberspaceenvironment. We will deepen personal and cultural exchanges with othercountries and do more to share Chinese culture with other countries. We willmake full preparations for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Gamesin Beijing. We will promote coordinated development of recreational andcompetitive sports and sports industries, and launch extensive Fitness-for-Allinitiatives so that more people will enjoy sports and stay fit and healthy.When its people are healthy and optimistic, a country will certainly be full ofvitality.


We will explore new forms of socialgovernance.

We will improve the system of primary levelself-governance and strengthen community governance in both urban and ruralareas. We will see that trade unions, Communist Youth League organizations,women’s federations, and other people’s organizations fully play their roles.We will reform and improve the system for regulating social organizations, promotethe healthy development of public-interest activities and charity on the basisof law, and promote specialized social work and volunteer services.

The legitimate rights and interests ofwomen, children, the elderly, and people with disabilities will be effectivelyprotected. We will move faster to improve the social credit system, and work toheighten public awareness of rule of law and strengthen legal services. We willenforce the responsibility system for handling public complaints and see that justifieddemands are addressed promptly and locally in accordance with law.

We will continue to pursue the PeacefulChina initiative, improve the multidimensional, IT-based crime prevention andcontrol system, crack down hard on violent terrorist activities, and punishorganized crime, drug-related crime, and common crimes like theft, robbery,telecommunications and online fraud, and infringement of personal information,thus upholding China’s national security and social stability. We will work tosee that law is enforced in a strict, standardized, fair, and civil way,address prominent problems that endanger public security, and takecomprehensive measures to ensure the security of our people.


We will ensure workplace safety and protectpeople’s lives.

We must work with tireless dedication toensure workplace safety. We will strengthen the development of safetyinfrastructure, and ensure the quality of work related to seismology,meteorology, surveying, mapping, and geology. To curb the occurrence of seriousand major accidents and protect the lives and property of our people, we willstrictly enforce the workplace safety responsibility system, and see that allresponsibilities are fulfilled, namely, the primary responsibility of theenterprise itself, the regulatory responsibility of the government in thelocality where the enterprise is located, and the oversight responsibility of therelevant government department.


9. Strengthening the all-around improvementof government

We must uphold leadership by the Party,willingly maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, uphold theleadership core, and keep in alignment. We should firmly uphold the authorityof the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core; closelyfollow the Central Committee in terms of thinking, political stand, and action;and speed up efforts to transform government functions and improve governmentperformance so as to deliver better services to the people.


We will continue to work to see thatgovernment functions are fully carried out in accordance with law.

Governments at all levels and allgovernment employees must meet every requirement for fully advancing China’slaw-based governance. We must strictly observe the Constitution; we must holdthe rule of law in the highest esteem; we must hold the law in reverence; wemust conduct administration in accordance with law, and we must build a rule oflaw government. We will make government operations more transparent. We willensure that policies are made in a sound and democratic way on the basis oflaw; and we will widely solicit input and criticism from all interested partiesin policy making.

We at all levels of government must subjectourselves, as required by law, to oversight by people’s congresses and theirstanding committees at the corresponding levels, to the democratic oversight ofCPPCC committees, and to public oversight and oversight through public opinion.We should willingly solicit input from deputies to people’s congresses, membersof CPPCC committees, other political parties, chambers of commerce, publicfigures without party affiliation, and people’s organizations. As ours is agovernment of the people, all of our work must reflect their will, safeguardtheir interests, and be placed under their oversight.


We will maintain ethical conduct and moralintegrity at all times.

We will continue to make every effort tofully strengthen Party self-governance, improve Party conduct and moralintegrity, and effectively combat corruption. We will act with firm resolve toimplement the Party Central Committee’s eight-point decision on improving Partyand government conduct, and make continued efforts to correct formalism,bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance.

We will strengthen administrativesupervision and auditing-based oversight. We will continue to maintain a toughstance against corruption. With the focus on key areas, we will conduct fullinvestigations into and punish corruption and other forms of misconduct thatundermine people’s interests. All public servants must have integrity, beupright, and get on honestly with their jobs of serving the people.


We will perform with a strong work ethic,sense of responsibility, and enterprising spirit.

China’s remarkable achievements in reformand development are the work of officials and the people; the only way to makenew achievements is more hard work. Governments at all levels and allgovernment employees must make it our priority to get things done. Inperforming duties, we should work hard, in a down-to-earth way; and we shouldbe innovative as actual conditions allow. Implementing decisions made atmeetings of higher-level authorities and contained in the documents they issuedoes not mean just holding more meetings and issuing more documents. It’s nogood to just push paper and pay lip service.

We need to keep both the central governmentand local governments fully motivated, and encourage local governments to workaccording to local circumstances and be bold in their explorations, so thattogether we are all promoting sustainable and balanced development. We willstrictly enforce the responsibility systems, particularly those forimplementing key tasks. We must see responsibilities are fulfilled withoutfail, that pressure is felt at every level of government, and thatimplementation is carried out to the letter.

We will strengthen oversight andaccountability, take tough steps to address incompetence, inertia, andnegligence, and resolvedly address failures to act in good faith in governmentwork. We will improve mechanisms that give incentives and allow for and addressmistakes so as to support those who are dedicated to their work and standbehind those who live up to their responsibilities.

Every one of us in government must take anactive approach to our work and have the courage to tackle the toughest problems;we must work closely with the people, using concrete action to make progress indevelopment, and using genuine hard work to realize a bright future.


Esteemed Deputies,


China is a unified country of many ethnicgroups. We will uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy,fully implement the Party’s policies concerning ethnic groups, and intensifyour efforts to foster ethnic unity and progress. We will make sure celebrationsto mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Inner Mongolia AutonomousRegion are a great success.

We will increase support for development inareas inhabited mainly by ethnic minorities. We will deepen efforts to boostdevelopment in the border regions to benefit the people living there. We willprotect and develop the fine traditional cultures of ethnic minorities andsupport the growth of ethnic groups with smaller populations. We will encouragepeople of all China’s ethnic groups to develop together and thrive together inthe course of finishing the building of a society that is moderately prosperousin all respects. With people of all our ethnic groups living together infriendship, sharing in a common cause, and developing in harmony, the bigfamily of the Chinese nation will enjoy more happiness.


We will fully implement the Party’sfundamental policy on religion, manage religious affairs in accordance withlaw, promote harmonious relations between religions, and encourage religiousleaders and believers to actively involve themselves in promoting economic andsocial development.


We will fully implement government policiesrelated to overseas Chinese nationals, protect the legitimate rights andinterests of overseas Chinese nationals, Chinese nationals who have returnedfrom overseas, and the relatives of overseas Chinese nationals who reside inChina, and ensure that they can all give full play to their unique strengthsand perform their important roles. I am confident that all the sons anddaughters of the Chinese nation, both in and outside China, will forge strongerbonds of attachment.


Esteemed Deputies,


Last year, we achieved major breakthroughsin the reform of national defense and the armed forces and made fresh progressand new achievements in our work to make the military more revolutionary,modern, and well-structured.

This year, in pursuing the Party’s goal ofstrengthening the armed forces in a new era, we will work to build them throughpolitical work, strengthen them through reform, and ensure they are run by law.We will boost military training and preparedness, so as to ensure that thesovereignty, security, and development interests of China are resolutely andeffectively safeguarded.

We will uphold the Party’s absoluteleadership over the armed forces and uphold and implement the system wherebythe Chairman of the Central Military Commission assumes overall responsibilityover military affairs.

We will continue to deepen reforms innational defense and the armed forces. We will strengthen maritime and airdefense as well as border control and ensure that important operations relatedto countering terrorism, safeguarding stability, international peacekeeping,and providing escort in high seas are well organized.

We will enhance our capacity for innovationin defense-related science and technology and step up the development ofadvanced logistics and equipment. We will strengthen national defense educationamong the general public, and step up national defense mobilization andreadiness of reserve forces. We will continue to promote coordinated, balanced,and compatible development of the economy and national defense, deepenstructural reform of defense-related science and technology industries, andintensify military-civilian integration.

We at every level of government should takemore solid and vigorous steps to support the reform and development of ournational defense and armed forces. We should see that the tree of unity betweenthe military and the government and between the military and the peoplecontinues to grow deep roots and is always in blossom.


Esteemed Deputies,


We will continue to implement, both to theletter and in spirit, the principle of “one country, two systems,” under whichthe people of Hong Kong govern Hong Kong, the people of Macao govern Macao, andboth regions enjoy a high degree of autonomy. We will continue to act in strictcompliance with China’s Constitution and the basic laws of the Hong Kong andMacao special administrative regions; and we will ensure that the principle of“one country, two systems” is steadfastly applied in Hong Kong and Macao withoutbeing bent or distorted.

The chief executives and governments of thetwo regions have our full support in exercising law-based governance, growingtheir economies, improving people’s wellbeing, advancing democracy, andpromoting social harmony. The notion of Hong Kong independence will leadnowhere.

We will promote closer cooperation betweenthe mainland and Hong Kong and Macao. We will draw up a plan for thedevelopment of a city cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater BayArea, give full play to the distinctive strengths of Hong Kong and Macao, andelevate their positions and roles in China’s economic development and openingup. We have always had full confidence about ensuring lasting prosperity andstability in Hong Kong and Macao.


We will thoroughly implement the policieson our work related to Taiwan, uphold the one-China principle, and safeguardthe 1992 Consensus as our common political foundation. We will protect China’ssovereignty and territorial integrity, maintain the peaceful growth ofcross-Straits relations, and safeguard peace and stability in the TaiwanStraits. We will resolutely oppose and deter separatist activities for Taiwanindependence. We will never allow any person to separate Taiwan from themotherland in any form or name.

We will continue to advance integratedeconomic and social development between the two sides of the Straits, and makeit more convenient for our fellow countrymen and women in Taiwan, particularlyyoung people, to study, work, and live on the mainland. People on both sides ofthe Taiwan Straits should keep in mind the greater interests of the nation,firmly advance peaceful reunification of China, and jointly create better livesand a bright future for all Chinese.


Esteemed Deputies,


In the face of profound changes in theinternational political and economic landscape, China will always stand on theside of peace and stability, will forever be committed to equity and justice,and will always work for world peace, contribute to global development, anduphold the international order. We will keep to the path of peacefuldevelopment; firmly uphold the authority of the multilateral architecture andsee that it works effectively; oppose protectionism in its different forms;become more involved in global governance; and steer economic globalization tosee it become more inclusive, mutually beneficial, and equitable.

We will contribute to a framework thatensures the overall stability and balanced development of relations betweenmajor countries. We will endeavor to foster a neighboring environment thatenhances mutual trust and common development between China and its neighbors,upgrade cooperation with all other developing countries in all fields, and offerconstructive proposals for addressing global and regional hotspot issues. Wewill intensify efforts to improve our mechanisms and capacity for protectingChina’s rights and interests overseas. China is ready to join hands with theinternational community and build a new type of international relations basedon cooperation and mutual benefit and make new contributions to building acommunity of shared future for all humankind.


Esteemed Deputies,


A new historical mission awaits us, andwith hard work we will achieve great success. We will rally even closer aroundthe Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and work hardwith one mind and an enterprising spirit to fulfill this year’s economic andsocial development tasks and targets. Let us work with tireless dedication toachieve the two centenary goals,4 build China into a modern socialist countrythat is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious,and realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.


(1) This includes old-age insurance, healthinsurance, unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, maternity insurance,and housing provident fund schemes.

(2) The model comprises inspections ofrandomly selected entities by randomly selected inspectors and the publicrelease of inspection results.

(3) This refers to making comprehensivemoves to finish building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,deepen reform, advance the law-based governance of China, and strengthen Partyself-governance.

(4) This refers to completing the buildingof a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the time the CommunistParty of China celebrates its centenary in 2021 and turning the People’sRepublic of China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong,democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious by the time it celebrates itscentenary in 2049.



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